

Refereed Journal Articles:

Zhao, Mengyang. 2024. “‘Ready Worker Two’: Gendered Labor Regime of Platform-Based Game Work in China.” New Media & Society 14614448231222944. doi: 10.1177/14614448231222944.

Zhao, Mengyang. 2023. “Fragmented Control of Platform Game Work in China.” The Economic and Labour Relations Review 34(2):328–42. doi: 10.1017/elr.2023.15.

Zhao, Mengyang, and Kecheng Fang. 2023. “Extending the Research on Digital China: The Transnational Lens.” Information, Communication & Society 26(2):270–85. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2022.2159487.

Zhao, Mengyang. 2021. “Solidarity Stalled: When Chinese Activists Meet Social Movements in Democracies.” Critical Sociology 47(2):281–97. doi: 10.1177/0896920520940007.

Zhao, Mengyang. 2020. “Chinese Diaspora Activism and the Future of International Solidarity.” Made in China Journal 5(2): 97-101.

Zhao, Mengyang. 2019. “Media Freedom and Protest Events in the Global South.” Social Science Quarterly 100(4):1254–67. doi: 10.1111/ssqu.12635.

Book Reviews:

Zhao, Mengyang. 2024. Review of “The Labor of Reinvention: Entrepreneurship in the New Chinese Digital Economy by Lin Zhang.” Journal of Asian Studies.

Zhao, Mengyang. 2021. Review of “A Precarious Game: The Illusion of Dream Jobs in the Video Game Industry by Ergin Bulut.” Work and Occupations 48(4): 509–511. 

Zhao, Mengyang. 2020. Review of “Becoming Activists in Global China: Social Movements in the Chinese Diaspora by Andrew Junker.” Journal of Asian Studies 79(1): 255-257.

Zhao, Mengyang. 2019. Review of “Playing by the Informal Rules: Why the Chinese Regime Remains Stable despite Rising Protests by Yao Li.” Mobilization 24(2): 246-247. 

Zhao, Mengyang. 2018. Review of “Networked Publics and Digital Contention: The Politics of Everyday Life in Tunisia by Mohamed Zayani.” Journal of Information Technology & Politics 15(2):193–94.

Book Chapters:

Yin, Aiwen and Mengyang Zhao. 2024. “Reimagining the Archive and Commoning Practices: A Conversation Departs from Alchemy of Commons and Liquid Dependencies.” Pp. 48-57 in Driving Design II. edited by Distributed Design Platform. Barcelona: Distributed Design Platform.

Zhao, Mengyang. 2022. “The Genealogy of the Radical Right in the United States in the Trump Era: Observations and Analysis.” Pp. 156-198 in Rethinking the United States in a New Era: Contemporary Reflections. edited by X. Wang and M. Zhao. Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing. (In Chinese)

Leung, Wing Chi, Jingwen Liang, and Mengyang Zhao. 2014. “New Media and Youth Research.” in New Trends in Communication Studies. edited by J. Hong. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. (In Chinese)